Sunday, July 5, 2015

Pregnancy: Cardio Core

My favorite style of exercise is, and always be, interval training. With a bunch of opinions about exercise during pregnancy, I find that I'm more comfortable just staying on the safe side of things. I do believe there is too muc judgement towards women who maintain their fitness regimen, but I'm one to easily crack to such outside pressure :/  Therefore, I take it a lot easier. I take time to do a gradual warmup so my heart rate slowly grows; same goes for a cool down. I also don't push myself like I normally would. My heart rate doesn't get as high, and instead of trying to max out, I just try to endure through and not take any breaks. This might mean I'm not pushing as hard, but I still get a good sweat.

So during insanity max, I don't max out. I also modify a lot, and when fishing season is over I'll post a pregnancy modified insanity workout! But here is a short interval workout I've done during this pregnancy:

Warmup and stretch 5-10 min

20 second on, 10 second rest. Repeat each round 3x

Round 1-
Push-up punch (or modified on the knees)
Knee up punch
Squat to backwards lunge (squat down, backwards lunge)

Round 2-
Frog jumps (or wide squat if not comfortable with the jump)
Wide push-ups (on the knees for modification)
Squat kicks (squat down, kick one leg up

Round 3-
Squat stance air punches
Lunge kick /left side(step back to lunge, bring back leg forward to a kick)
Lunge kick/right side

Modified push-up punch

Knee up punches (alternating sides)

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